Saturday 20 August 2011

21-08-2011 :: His Birthday...

 Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to HIM..^_^

May today you will be filled with laughter, smile and love..
May God bless you wherever you are..
Just take care of yourself there..
I may not be by your side but I just want you to know that I'm wishing you.....

:: Today Is Saturday ::

Hai all...^_^... Happy Ramadhan to all Muslim..

As a usual, today is the twentieth of fasting for all Muslim in Malaysia. And for the girls that do not fasting for today, you have to replace it for the another day. Already know about it right??...^_^ Its is our responsible as a Muslim :))..

Proceed with what I wanted to write in this new entry..Today, we just went to Khadijah's house to make an ice blended for estimating the cost of ice blended for per cup. Not very difficult. Hehehe.. For the 1st time making the ice blended with friends and its cool, happy.^_^. 
Finally, we did it..This is our ice blended looks like (image from Google)..LOL..

Taaarraaaaaa....ICE BLENDED BANANA...Delicious..!!!

See you in the next entry...

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Missing You..(-.-")

Far away from "Family, Old Friends, and.......

Him.." (-.-)

I Just wonder how you are..
We haven't spoken in days..
and I am trying to be ok with that..

Hei, bad boy.. I miss you..Don't you miss me??

You are too far away from me, and I have to shout.." I mmmisssss yoouuu".. Did you hear that?


Friday 12 August 2011

Tanjung Aru ~Part 2~ "sungkai" with Them..(^.-)

We meet again.  (^___^)

It's about to 'sungkai'.. So, Miss Khadijah has decided to bring us to Grace Point (it looks like a restaurant or cafe. I dont know.. LOL..)

This is mine...^_^

" Nasi Goreng Sotong Crispy "

Its very delicious... marvelous..yummmyyy....^_^ 

While waiting for "sungkai"..  Miss Fhaviana and I has took few pictures around the Grace Point...

 This monument is one of the historic sites which a plane of Double Six has crashed down and caused almost people who have a high position such as "Menteri Sabah" died.

 Its very amazing...:))


"Sungkai Time"






I hope all of You enjoy reading my Blog....^_^ 

See you in the next post.. Tata..

Tanjung Aru..^_^ (06 Aug 2011) ~Part 1~

How are you today Ladies and Gentleman??? How's your fasting??? Everything is alright?? hopefully^_^..
On this date(06Aug 2011), for most and all, my friends and I had a picnic at Tanjung aru. Hehehe. No No No no. kidding.. For surely..Actually, we went there to survey a location for our business (ice blended) and this is one of our assignment for ETR300 (Entrepeneurship Subject). We had took a pictures before we start to survey.


Cute?? no no no... I am pretty cute than her..^_^

so sweetttttt...:)))

very cute angels..^_^


And after took pictures, we started our survey for the location .. And there you go..

Already done with it, then we proceed with our PHOTO SHOOT .... LOL..

This Model is from Venezuela..ahahaha...

ENJOY IT...(^_^)

To be continue....------>>>

Saturday 6 August 2011

Salam Ramadhan

The disappeared of Syaaban MonthRamadhan comes on the 1st Aug 2011. This shows all Muslims are compulsory to have their fasting from dawn to sunset every day during Ramadhan. 

As we know, fasting means no food, no drink, smoking and intimate relations during daylight hours.. This is also the time for all the Muslims to reading Al-Quran, giving charity and do somethings beneficial.. 

So, all of us have to control our self from doing something bad..ok??? ^_^..

To all Muslims where ever you are...I wish "SALAM RAMADHAN AL-MUBARAK"..We will never know whether we can meet the month of Ramadhan again for the next year..Today, 06 Aug 2011.. is the sixth day of fasting for all the Muslims in Malaysia ... For all the Muslims guy.. you have no reason not to fasting....hehe...